View Profile Kael-Sorrow

140 Movie Reviews

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Yeah! Offspring rocks!
Good animation, just try to make it a little more smooth and that would be great. The best part was the sound >.>
But the movie it's great, just a joke with no compromisse.
- Kael Sorrow

Just another Knoxs movie...

And that's enough to give you a 10! OMG! That was really brilliant. You must do a Clayman movie, that would smash the others animator to the ground!!!
*breathes* Anymays, that was a awesome flash, just like the others.
- Kael Sorrow

Very funny!

That sure is an awesome flash, you good popential. To your next movie try to use a higher Frame by Second and make better graphics, and it would be perfect. There should be less musics as well. But I can see your hard work, congratulations!
- Kael Sorrow

Aaron-the-wolf responds:

I don't know how to set the frame-rate.I learned how to do flash from a crappy online tutorial and still am learning things I didn't know about.Also...I previously got a review that said I should put more music in my toons on a previous cartoons review area.Perhaps I went overboard.

You weren't kidding when you said "ramdom"

That was really funny and ramdom, ramdom plot and ending. Kinda funny. Good.
- Kael Sorrow

Bad message...

I just didn't like the message... By the way, you are from Lisboa, right? Hm...
Eu sou brasileiro, espero que entenda: os gráficos não estavam muito bons, e a mensagem é ruim, você tem talento para fazer algo melhor... Got it?
- Kael Sorrow

That was good... I guess.

I don't think the graphics were bad, they just didn't surprise me. That movie could easily get a 5/5 from me (look to my username >.>) but it was too short. That was not bad, but could be better if it was longer.
- Kael Sorrow


Ramdom violence... *sigh* What a beautiful thing when well animated...
- Kael Sorrow

That's a mystery that has to be solven...

You are right! That's weird. Kidding. Awesome flash, really funny, for a momment that sounded so true. Really enjoyable flash. Good work!
- Kael Sorrow

Heh Heh Heh... Good.

Really liked it. Of course, you get a zero in style because Krinkels is the one who ownes it. Although he had given permission to you. The battle scene (the whole flash) was really nice! Very good animation, the only thing is that was kind of too fast sometimes. But you are still getting a 10. Excellent work.
- Kael Sorrow

Down for the time. Back at some point in the future. Try for 2020.

Age 35, Male

Animator and Writer

Brazil, SP, Taubaté

Joined on 9/26/04

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